Divination Consultation with the I Ching
What you will need:
3 Identical Coins (usually Chinese coins with a hole in the center are used, but any currency with a head and tail will work.)
A flat surface or table
Pen or Pencil and Paper to draw out hexagrams
Steps to cast a hexagram:
Assign values to the coins:
Designate one side of the coin as "heads" and the other as "tails."
Assign numerical values to each side: assign 3 to "heads" and 2 to "tails."

2. Formulate your question:
Clearly state your question or the situation you need guidance on. Be as specific as possible.
Write the question down (optional).
3. Create the outline to draw the
Write down the numbers 1 - 6
Formed in a column
Start with 1 at the bottom, ending with 6 at the top

4. Shake the coins:
Hold the three coins in your hand.
Focus on your question while shaking the coins.
5. Toss the coins:
Without looking at the results, toss all three coins simultaneously onto the flat surface.
After step 6, repeat 5 and 6 for all 6 lines of the hexagram.

6. Determine and calculate the values:
For each coin, note whether it landed with "heads" or "tails" facing up.
Add up the numerical values of all three coins. Use chart below to determine type of line.

Creating a binary number for hexagram.
H - Heads T - Tails
Yang Yin
3 units each 2 units each
example: 2 heads and 1 tail combined has a value of 8 and is represented as a Yang straight line.
